All of the stories presented on this website are based on my personal experiences. All of the content on it has been written for entertainment and educational reasons, and as a way to get a glimpse into how my thought process works in relation to problem-solving.

Any interactions with external companies or clients that is portrayed on this website is anonimized, for security and anonimity reasons, as to not provide any insider information or possible attack vectors in the client’s systems. The fact that I saw something weird doesn’t mean it’s something you could reveal to the public, after all.

If you want to contact me for something, there is multiple ways to do that. Either by e-mail or by a LinkedIn InMail message, which are both linked at the footer of this website. Although I monitor both, I consider e-mail to be more comfortable in general. Unified communication is important!

This site is hosted on my personal Github Pages, and was generated using Jekyll, using a personal modified version of the Minima theme for design modifications like the lastest posts flexbox or the archive page template.

You can find the source code for Minima at GitHub: jekyll / minima

You can find the source code for Jekyll at GitHub: jekyll / jekyll