PCAPAnalyzer project documentation

Welcome! This is the site where you'll find reference documentation for all things PCAPAnalyzer, from frontend usage, to backend management, to API interaction.

Documentation structure

  • getting started - your starting point
    • prerequisites - what you need to setup first
    • installation - let's set you up
      • main server - The base install
      • agent - gather data from other sources
    • post-install - what you should know
  • frontend - Where you'll find documentation about UI interaction and features.
    • login - web authentication
    • homepage - a quick summary
    • packetStream - data filtering
    • dataGlance - quick, usually needed info
    • queryRunner - roll your own SQL
    • dbCreator - analyze your own pcaps
    • database picker - manage database usage
    • About - manage internal tokens
      • User management - manage webUI users
      • API management - manage API tokens
  • backend
    • .my.cnf - application information
    • packetStream - constant data gathering
    • PCAPAnalyzer IDS - get attack warnings by mail
    • analysisGenerator - generate custom database reports
  • API
    • authentication - allowing requests
    • endpoints - what can you do?
      • dblist - listing databases
      • rawnumbers - quick data for dashboards
      • insights - dataGlance in JSON format
    • reference - Quick query and answer manuals