Server credentials

On the backend folder of your PCAPAnalyzer server install you'll see a file called .my.cnf. This file is the central authentication credential and variable source for the server install. Inside your file you will find five categories:

  • client
  • paths
  • interfaces
  • queryrunner
  • credchecking


The client category tag stores declarations for data about the current client system:

  • host: an IP address pointing to the IP address where your PostgreSQL PCAPAnalyzer instance is hosted on.
  • user: the name that the system uses to login to the database for general tasks.
  • password: the password for the general tasks user.
  • database: the name of the main database, generally packetstream.
  • machineid: a unique system name for the packetstream capture system to insert into its data.


The path category tag stores the absolute system paths for needed directories:

  • basedir: the absolute base filesystem directory where your PCAPAnalyzer install is located.


The interfaces category tag stores data about the listening system for packetstream:

  • interface: the interface that the packetstream system listens on. it can be set to any of the interfaces on the system, but it can only have one value. It cannot be set to any.


The queryrunner category tag stores information needed for the queryrunner side of the web frontend:

  • selectuser: The username on the PostgreSQL system that is only allowed to select data, from all of the PCAPAnalyzer databases.
  • selectpassword: the password configured on install for the user mentioned above.


The credchecking category tag stores information needed to connect to the database that stores frontend accounts and API keys:

  • user: the PostgreSQL install system user that can work with the pcapanalyzer_creds database to check and manage users and API keys.
  • password: The PostgreSQL password for the user mentioned above.
  • host: the database host where the PCAPAnalyzer install was made. Generally the same as the one on the client category tag.
  • database: the name of the database where the system will look for credentials, generally pcapanalyzer_creds.