PCAPAnalyzer PacketStream

The PacketStream tab allows you to look at every network packet that is logged on the database. For every packet registered on the system you can see:

  • a UTC timestamp
  • the machine ID that provided the data [!] only available on the packetstream database
  • Source MAC address
  • Destination MAC address
  • Source IP address
  • Destination IP address
  • Protocol used
  • Source port
  • Destination port
  • packet content info

This data is reverse indexed and ordered by entry id, so retrieval is as fast as possible.

Then, on top of this table, you see a filter set form. In this form, you can input a value for any of the columns stated as a filter. You can use as many filters as you need, but keep in mind they work in an AND basis: a packet has to fit all of your filter criteria to appear on the table. Once all of your filters are set, you will need to click apply filters to apply them.

If you want to reset all your set filters, you can use the reset filters button.