Installing the agent

When you already have a full server install, you may want to install the agent on host machines to gather data from them. The install steps for the agent are:

  1. git clone the PCAPAnalyzer installer repo
  2. cd to the cloned repo on the pcapanalyzer folder
  3. Navigate to the install folder
  4. Run the script with python3
  5. when prompted for a confirmation, choose y or Y to enter the install script
  6. When prompted, enter a or A to perform an agent install.
  7. Input the postgresql database manager host IP that has the PCAPAnalyzer database install from your server.
  8. input the password that the server install generated for your PCAPAgent user.
  9. You will be asked to input a machineid. Choose a unique identifier for the host, like its hostname.
  10. input the absolute path where you want to install the agent. The team's recommendation is /opt/pcapagent/.
  11. From the listed options, provide the system name of the interface you want the network sniffer to listen on. [!] YOu can only have one listen entry. You cannot set it to any.
  12. Enable the data logging with service packetstream start.

Once this installation is complete, you will have a functional PCAPAnalyzer install to use.